Gravity – Is It Possible to Make a Trebuchet Launch Objects to Stable Orbit?


Inspired by this xkcd, which calculated the energy requirements for accelerating individual humans to escape velocity (regardless of consideration for what that would do to your organs), I am interested to know if a trebuchet (or catapult) could be built that could launch things out off the Earth. Escape velocity isn't necessary, as I'd consider a stable orbit 'off earth'.

  1. What would be some design considerations / challenges? Do we have materials that could withstand this type of force?

  2. What would be maximum weight limits, ignoring air resistance (a tennis ball? a human? a satellite? a human in a metal survival pod?)

  3. What would be the speed at which these objects would need to reach at the earth's surface to be into a stable orbital velocity by the time they exit the atmosphere? (factoring gravitational slowdown and air resistance)

  4. Is it ever conceivable that we could 'launch' supplies to the ISS or orbit this way? What about launching satellites like this?


I misspoke when I said catapult, a string tension driven device. I meant a trebuchet, a gravity-powered heavy-object thrower. QuickLaunch, Inc. has plans to do just this launching a SSTO rocket at 6 km/s, which then fires after launch and provides the necessary correction for orbital insertion. Basically, I just need a trebuchet that will accelerate a mass (they're trying 1kg, 10kg, 50kg and 500kg masses) to 6 km/s at launch.


Best Answer

For an object in low earth orbit (at 100+ miles above the earth's surface) the speed needed is about 17,000 miles per hour. Even if a trebuchet could achieve that speed on the earth's surface, you would have at least three problems:

  1. The object would IMMEDIATELY burn up in our dense atmosphere. Think about the space shuttle which is going at orbital speed when it encounters the very tenuous atmosphere at very high altitudes. It needs special heat resistant ceramic tiles due to the heating caused by a very tenuous atmosphere. If the angle at which the first encounter the atmosphere were too steep it would completely incinerate. So there is no material that you could use to build the satellite that would prevent it from immediately burning up.

  2. If you could magically make all the atmosphere disappear, you still could not launch a satellite with a trebuchet from the surface of the earth. Well you could, but it would only complete less than one orbit. If you got the right speed, it would start out on a nice elliptical orbit, but the ellipse would bring you back to the launch point coming up through the crust of the earth. In other words the ellipse will pass through the earth such that in less than one orbit you will impact the earth's surface again. To successfully launch, the satellite would need to have some kind of rocket motor onboard so that once it got to an appropriate altitude, it could change the velocity direction to be in an orbit that doesn't intersect the surface of the earth.

  3. The last problem that will make this Trebuchet impossible is the mass and required strength of the arm that will connect the heavy weight to the pivot point to the satellite. I suspect that making this arm strong enough will make it too heavy to work. So, for now let's assume the arm has zero mass and infinite strength. Then if we assume the heavy weight falls in say, about 1 second at about 1G, then to get the satellite to 17,000 miles per hour, the acceleration of the satellite would have to be 25,000 ft/sec^2 which means it would accelerate at 780Gs (so humans would be killed for sure). That would mean that the length of the arm to the satellite would have to be 780 times longer than the short arm to the heavy weight. So if the short arm were 10 feet, the long arm would have to be 7,800 feet which is 1.5 miles. I think you can see that the arm requirements would make this totally impractical if not impossible. For this to even work, the heavy weight would have to be greater than mass of the satellite times the long arm length divided by the short arm length by a very large factor (to insure the heavy weight falls at about 1G). If we assume a 100kg satellite, then in this case that means the heavy weight would have to be something like 10 or 100 times (7800/10)*100 kg - thus something like 780,000kg to 7,800,000kg. Imagine the strength of the arm that is required. Then think about how heavy the arm would be and how that would make all of these requirements even more impossible since a heavy arm would greatly decrease the acceleration of the satellite.

So, no it CANNOT be done...

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