[Physics] Could dark matter/dark energy turn out to be tachyonic


Today, I was watching the Inexplicable Universe with Neil deGrasse Tyson.

He spoke about Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and then he spoke about Tachyons.

Naively, I thought what if the reason we can't understand dark matter/dark energy is because it is moving faster than light?

I would be very interested how this fits in to the current thinking about tachyons and dark matter/dark energy? Is there an obvious point that makes this association impossible? Is there a property of tachyons that is clearly in opposition to what we know about dark matter/dark energy?

Best Answer

The paper above mentioned (http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0403048) says that -

  • if tachyons make up some of the missing mass of the universe then their imaginary mass should be of millielectronvolts! (we don't know what imaginary mass means)

  • The number of species of subluminal particles (other massive particles) should be less.

Though considering tachyons as some component of dark matter doesn't change the cosmological consequences but they would indeed have some effect on the nucleosynthesis.

Tachyon field as dark energy has been studied. Their potential does give solutions to the accelerated expansion of the Universe. The major drawback in accepting such theory is- in general (like ΛCDM model) the expansion doesn't play a significant role beyond redshift z=1 but in tachyonic models they are significant. In such models, they indeed slow down the structure formations. But we have evidence to show that there should be a rapid structure formation (actually even faster than what ΛCDM model predicts- galaxy cluster- XMMU-J2235.3-2557 at z=1.4)