[Physics] Continuity equation for charge and current densities of an accelerated point charge


For a point charge that moves with the trajectory $ \vec r(t)$, we know that it has the singular charge and current densities

$$ \rho (\vec x, t) = q \delta^3(\vec x – \vec r(t)) $$
$$ \vec J(\vec x, t) = q \frac{d\vec r}{dt} \delta ^3 (\vec x – \vec r (t))$$

How do you prove that these densities satisfy the continuity equation?

$$ \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot \vec J = 0 $$

I considered using the property of the dirac delta

$$ \delta (f(x)) = \sum_i^N \frac{\delta (x – x_i)}{|\frac{df}{dx}|_{x = x_i}}$$

where $x_i$s are the roots of $f(x)$. In the problem at hand, we see that the dummy variable x is t, and $f(x) = \vec x – \vec r(t)$ so that the only root is $t_0$ which makes $\vec r(t_0) = \vec x$.

However I just don't know how to apply the derivative to the dirac delta. I know that

$$ \delta '[f] = f'(0)$$

Any help please? Thank you very much!

Best Answer

We have, for a point charge $q$ at position $\vec r(t)$: $$\rho(\vec x, t) = q\delta^3(\vec x - \vec r(t))$$ $$\vec J(\vec x, t) = q \frac{d\vec r}{dt}\delta^3(\vec x - \vec r(t))$$ Let us for now work without worrying about what the derivative (more precisely, gradient) of the delta function actually is. We will also enforce the convention that $\vec\nabla$ denotes differentiation with respect to $\vec x$ unless specified otherwise.

We will first evaluate the rate of change of the charge density: $$\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} = \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\left[q\delta^3(\vec x - \vec r(t))\right]$$ $$ = q\frac{d\vec{r}}{dt}\cdot\vec\nabla_r\delta^3(\vec x - \vec r(t))$$ as all the time dependence is contained (through $\vec r(t)$) in the delta function. Now, for $\delta(y-z)$, we have the result that $$\frac{\partial}{\partial y} \delta(y-z) = -\frac{\partial}{\partial z} \delta(y-z)$$ We can use this here to get: $$\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} = -q\frac{d\vec{r}}{dt}\cdot\vec\nabla\delta^3(\vec x - \vec r(t))$$

The divergence of the current density is: $$\vec\nabla\cdot\vec J = \vec\nabla\cdot\left[q\frac{d\vec{r}}{dt}\delta^3(\vec x - \vec r(t))\right]$$ $$ = q\frac{d\vec{r}}{dt}\cdot\vec\nabla\delta^3(\vec x - \vec r(t))$$ where the field-like dependence on position is once again contained only in the delta function.

Now, whenever $\vec x \ne \vec r(t)$, we know that any derivative of the delta function (which is uniformly zero in this region) must be zero and the continuity equation trivially holds for this case. However, at $\vec x = \vec r(t)$, it still holds because of the coefficients of the derivative of the delta function in the above expressions (Note: we can treat the delta function as the limiting case of a well-behaved, but sharply peaking function, and it is this consideration that underlies this argument).

Therefore, the equation of continuity holds for all $\vec x$ (and $t$): $$\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} + \vec\nabla\cdot\vec J= 0$$

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