Dirac Matrices – Step-by-Step Guide to the Construction of Pauli Matrices


How can we construct the Pauli matrices starting from $$\sigma_i=\begin{bmatrix}
a & b\\
c& d
\end{bmatrix}$$ by using the conditions $$\sigma^2_i=1,$$$$\left [ \sigma_x,\sigma_y \right ]=2i\sigma_z,$$ and so on?

Best Answer

Since each $\sigma_i$ is a scalar multiple of a Lie bracket of other finite matrices, each $\sigma_i$ must be traceless. So straight away we know:


and $\sigma_i^2=\mathrm{id}$ then yields $a^2 + b\,c=1$.

The eigenvalues of any matrix of the form in (1) with $a^2 + b\,c=1$ are $\pm\sqrt{a^2+b\,c} = \pm1$. Therefore, for any set of matrices we find fulfilling all the given relationships, we can do a similarity transformation on the whole set and thus (1) diagonalize any member of the set we choose whilst (2) keeping all the required relationships intact. Exercise: Prove that the given relationships (Lie brackets and $\sigma_i^2=\mathrm{id}$) are indeed invariant under any similarity transformation.

Thus, without loss of generalness, we can always choose one of the set to be:


So now work out the Lie bracket of $\sigma_z$ and $\sigma_x = \left(\begin{array}{cc}a_x&b_x\\c_x&-a_x\end{array}\right)$: result must be $2\,i\,\sigma_y$ and so we get:

$$\sigma_y = \left(\begin{array}{cc}0 & -i\,b_x \\i\,c_x & 0 \\\end{array}\right)\tag{3}$$

But given $\sigma_y^2=1$ we get $b_x\,c_x=1$ whence $a_x=0$ (since $a_x^2 + b_x\,c_x=1$). So our remaining two matrices are of the forms:

$$\sigma_x = \left(\begin{array}{cc}0 & b_x \\\frac{1}{b_x} & 0 \\\end{array}\right)$$ $$\sigma_y = \left(\begin{array}{cc}0 & -i\,b_x \\\frac{i}{b_x} & 0\\\end{array}\right)\tag{4}$$

and the remaining commutation relationships then give you the unknown constant $b_x$.

Once you have found $b_x$, we know from our comments above that any set of matrices fulfilling the required commutation relationships and $\sigma_i^2=\mathrm{id}$ is gotten from this particular set (the "standard" Pauli matrices) by a similarity transformation.

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