[Physics] Constructing vielbein from given metric: example: 2D spherical coordinates

coordinate systemsdifferential-geometrygeneral-relativitymetric-tensor

Usual relation between metric and vielbein are given by
g^{\mu\nu} = e^{\mu}{}_a e^{\nu}{}_{b} \eta^{ab}
where $\eta^{ab}$ is flat, $\mu,\nu$ is curved, ($i.e$, diffeomorphism index : index related with coordinate change) and $a,b$ are (Lorentz index).

I know that for given metric, vielbein form is not unique. Even though i want to construct vielbein and check above and inverse of above independently.

In the usual GR textbook, even though they mention vielbeins, for actual computation they just compute 1-forms (orthonormal basis) and obtain same results.

For example in sphere
ds^2 = dr^2 + r^2 d\Omega^2
and $e_r = dr$, $e_{\theta} = rd\theta $, $e_{\varphi} = r \sin(\theta) d\varphi$, then via cartan's formalism (via its structure equations), i can compute connection, Riemann tensor and so on.

What i want to know is process of computing vielbein of general given metric. (not necessarily be diagonal)
Before generalizing i want to know some simple case.

Best Answer

The most general way is probably to look at it as a matrix equation, i.e.: $$g = e^T \eta \,e,$$

and then simply manipulate this to find the components of the vielbein. Remember that they are quadratic matrices.

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