Energy Conservation – Understanding Conservation of Momentum But Not Kinetic Energy in Inelastic Collisions


In inelastic collisions, the kinetic energy of the system is not conserved but the momentum is.

Kinetic energy is: $0.5 \times \text{mass} \times \text{velocity}^2$. Momentum is: $\text{mass}\times\text{velocity}$.

I think that considering that mass is constant:

  • if Ke must be different also the velocity of the centre of mass of the system must be different, after the collision. On the other hand:

  • if the momentum of the system is conserved, the velocity of the centre of mass of the system cannot be different.

So, how can there be a change in kinetic energy of the system if there is no change in momentum? $mv = m_1v_1$

Best Answer

A simple counterexample:

Imagine two particles with opposite direction and equal speed. The center of mass does not move, yet the kinetic energy of the system is non-zero.

Now let both particles come to rest (by friction, hitting a wall, whatever). The kinetic energy is now zero, and total momentum has been conserved, while energy is not.

The crucial point is that kinetic energy depends on the square of velocity, $E_\mathrm{kin} = \frac{1}{2}mv^2$, and so is always positive - it cannot "cancel out" as momentum does, so momentum $\vec p = m \vec v$ can perfectly be conserved while the kinetic energy changes if the terms with "positive" and "negative" sign decrease or increase in a fashion that keeps the total momentum constant.