[Physics] conservation of energy for a viscous fluid

classical-mechanicsfluid dynamics

I have a pair of questions about conservation of energy and momentum in a viscous fluid. First, energy.

Symon's Mechanics states an equation for conservation of energy in a droplet of a non-viscous fluid as ${d \over dt}({1 \over 2} \rho v^2 \delta V)=\vec{v} \cdot (\vec{f} – \nabla p) \delta V $ (2nd edition, page 327, eq. 8-149). This is perfectly sensible; it says that d/dt (kinetic energy)=force*velocity, where $\rho$ is the fluid density in $kg \over {m^3}$, $\vec v$ is the fluid's velocity, $\vec f$ is the body force in $nt \over {m^3}$, $p$ is the fluid pressure and $\delta V$ is the volume of the droplet.

But then he updates it to a viscous fluid merely by replacing $\nabla p$ with $\nabla \cdot P$; i.e., replacing simple hydrostatic pressure with the stress tensor (page 441, eq. 10-174). I don’t understand this – it seems to neglect the energy that must be continuously converted to heat by viscous friction inside the droplet. Am I missing something? (Note that I’m using the 2nd edition; perhaps the 3rd edition has changed this).

Similar question: Symon gives the conservation-of-momentum equation for a droplet of non-viscous fluid as ${d \over dt} (\rho \vec v \delta V)=(\vec f – \nabla p) \delta V$. My guess is that for this case, we can update this to a viscous fluid simply by replacing $\nabla p$ with $\nabla \cdot P$. The stress tensor will correctly model all external viscous forces on the droplet. It will not model internal forces, but internal forces do not affect momentum anyway. Correct?

Best Answer

First of all: This is an old, and by now moderately obscure text book. If you would like to learn about fluid mechanics at the undergraduate level there are better texts to study.

Second: Your first equation is not the equation of energy conservation in the fluid. It is not written in conservative form $dw/dt=-\vec{\nabla}\vec{\jmath}$, where $w$ is a suitable density, and $\jmath$ is a current. It also does not include the internal energy density, which explains your question about viscous heating. Yes, there is viscous heating, but your equation does not include it, because it only includes the kinetic energy density. This equation is simply an equation for the kinetic energy density, so in the presence of dissipation all you have to do is replace ideal forces $\nabla_i p$ by the full stress tensor, $\nabla_j P_{ij}$.

Regarding your second question: The dissipative stress tensor $$P=p\delta_{ij}-\eta(\nabla_i v_j +\nabla_j v_i +\delta_{ij}(\zeta-2\eta/3)(\nabla\cdot v)). $$ describes the internal forces in the fluid, in particular viscous friction between fluid layers moving at different velocity.