[Physics] Conservation of energy for a hovering helicopter


Generally engines turn the chemical energy in fuel to kinetic energy, in a helicopter that kinetic is turned into gravitational potential energy when it goes up. Now let's imagine a helicopter hovering above the ground at a fixed height. To stay where it is the engine has to keep supplying a force to counter gravity so there is kinetic energy being supplied to the system of helicopter and earth but the gravitational potential energy is not changed. Energy is conserved so what is that kinetic energy being turned into?

Best Answer

The kinetic energy is being turned into the kinetic energy of the air, and also energy dissipated as heat and sound by frictional forces internal to the helicopter. By constantly using your rotors to push air to provide lift, you need to constantly give the air around you kinetic energy. Imagine you have a helicopter in vacuum and it has no frictional forces. There would be no energy (no fuel) needed to maintain the rotor's motion - once you got it in motion it would just keep spinning at a constant rate. Now imagine you're in the air and your helicopter has internal friction. Now you need fuel and energy to maintain your rotor's motion because otherwise your rotors would stop spinning eventually.