[Physics] Conservation of angular momentum during rolling

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A disk having initial angular velocity $\omega$ is gently placed on a rough horizontal surface. What is the angular velocity of rotation when pure rolling starts?

I've tried applying conservation of angular momentum about the axis passing through the point of contact of the ring and the surface but it gives me the same angular velocity in the answer. But when I applied $F=ma$ and $\text{torque}=\text{moment of inertia}\cdot\text{angular accelerations}$ and the condition for pure rolling, I got the right answer that is $\omega/3$. So what is the problem with the principle of conservation of angular momentum?

Best Answer

The question implies that when the disc is initially put down it is not rolling without slipping yet. In fact, at $t=0$ it's not yet rolling at all.

Simple conservation of momentum doesn't apply here because friction energy is not conserved.

The disc exerts a force $mg$ (its weight) on the surface, which in turn exerts an equal but opposite Normal force $F_N$, which prevents the ring from penetrating the surface:


In the simple friction model a friction force $F_f$ is exerted in the opposite sense of motion, acc.:

$$F_f=\mu F_N=\mu mg,$$

where $\mu$ is the friction coefficient.

We can now set up two equations of motion:

1. Translation:

The force $F_f$ causes acceleration:

$$ma=\mu mg$$

So that:

$$v(t)=\mu gt$$

2. Rotation:

The force $F_f$ also causes a torque $\tau$:


where $\tau=-R \mu mg$, $I=\frac{mR^2}{2}$ and $\alpha=\frac{d\omega}{dt}$, so:

$$-R \mu mg=\frac{mR^2}{2} \frac{d\omega}{dt}$$

$$-2\mu g=R\frac{d\omega}{dt}$$

$$\omega(t)=\omega-\frac{2\mu g}{R}t$$

Rolling without slipping occurs when $v(t)=\omega(t) R$, so with the expressions above:

$$\mu gt=\omega R- 2\mu gt$$

$$t=\frac{\omega R}{3\mu g}$$

Inserting this into $\omega(t)$ we get:


The ring will lose half of its initial rotational momentum before rolling without slipping is achieved.

The initial kinetic energy was:


The final kinetic energy $K(t)$, including translational energy is:

$$K(t)=\frac{mR^2}{4}\frac{\omega^2}{9}+\frac{m}{2}\frac{\omega^2 R^2}{9}=\frac{mR^2\omega^2}{12}$$

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