[Physics] Conduction and Valence band


What is the difference between a conduction and valence band ? How an electron will behave different in conduction and valence bands ? When an electron leaves an atom the atom becomes ion. Does it mean that during conduction those atoms become ions whose electrons are taking part in conduction ? Are free electrons are electrons which take part in conduction ?

Best Answer

One has to keep in mind that electrons and atoms belong to the realm of quantum mechanics.

In quantum mechanics one has possible solution of the appropriate QM equations with the correct boundary conditions and potentials. Some are approximate models,like the band theory for solids, but they have been very successful in describing and predicting the behavior of solid state matter built up in lattices.

The basic premise in the band theory is that the whole ensemble of mocules and atoms are in one quantum mechanical state, where some of the electrons are bound to the atoms/molecules in the lattice positions, and some are shared by the whole lattice.


What is the difference between a conduction and valence band ?

The assignment of mobility to the higher energy levels of the lattice solution, as in the image.

How an electron will behave different in conduction and valence bands ?

Because the electron in the valence band is not shared with the whole lattice but is localized at the lattice points. One has to study the mathematics to get a true understanding.

When an electron leaves an atom the atom becomes ion.

That is true for free atoms.

Does it mean that during conduction those atoms become ions whose electrons are taking part in conduction ?

Handwaving: the atom shares the conduction electrons that leave its neighbors in the lattice.

Are free electrons are electrons which take part in conduction ?

There are no free electrons in a solid. Just some electrons are bound by the whole solid lattice and shared with the atoms/molecules (conduction band) and the rest are localized at the lattice site of the atom (valence).