[Physics] Conditions for having refractive index less than unity


Is it possible to have an index of refraction, $n < 1$, giving the "illusion" of a speed greater than $c$.

As far as I understand it, is only the phase-velocity (which does not carry any information) that exceeds the speed of light.

But what I would really like to know is, under what conditions it is possible to have $n<1$?

Best Answer

I have been reaserching some more, and what I have found is something about waves in dispersive media. (The wave speed depends on the frequency of the wave). Source: (http://www.acs.psu.edu/drussell/Demos/Dispersion/dispersion.html) Apparently when the wave is traveling with a frequency close to the resonans frequency $n$ gets smaller than $1$. But only the group velocity exceeds $c$.