[Physics] Conditions for Equilibrium in 3 dimension and 2 dimension


The book describes that there are two conditions for equilibrium of rigid body,
$$\sum \vec{F} = 0, \quad \sum \vec{M}_{o} = 0 $$
where $\sum \vec{F} $ is the vector sum of all the external forces acting on the body and $\sum \vec{M}_{o} $ is the sum of couple moments and moments of all the forces about any point O.

If we want to express these external forces and couple moments in Cartesian coordinate system , we get 6 equilibrium equations,
$$ \sum F_{x} = \sum F_{y} = \sum F_{z} = 0$$
$$ \sum M_{x} = \sum M_{y} = \sum M_{z} = 0$$
I understand this, but in 2 dimensions, the equilibrium equations are
$$ \sum F_{x} = \sum F_{y} = \sum M_{o} = 0.$$
Why are there only three equations? Why aren't there four, i.e.
$$ \sum F_{x} = \sum F_{y} = \sum M_{x} = \sum M_y = 0.$$

Best Answer

What the book meant by "two dimensions" is actually a system whose forces acting on are lying in a plane, i.e., they are coplanar forces. Since the torque, $$\vec M=\vec r\times\vec F,$$ is a vector product involving forces, it points in a direction perpendicular to that plane. If the forces are in the $xy$ plane, then the torque is in the $z$ direction.

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