[Physics] Condition for formation of interference pattern


I recently came across this in a textbook (NCERT class 12 , chapter: wave optics , pg:367 , example 10.4(d)) of mine while studying the Young's double slit experiment. It says a condition for the formation of interference pattern is

$$\frac{s}{S} < \frac{\lambda}{d}$$

Where $s$ is the size of source, $S$ is its distance from the plane of the 2 slits, $\lambda$ is the wavelength of light and $d$ is the separation between the 2 slits.

There is no justification given and I am wondering how this is so. Any help would be thoroughly appreciated.

Best Answer

The source is large, spatially incoherent. Each point $P$ of the source creates its own fringe system. For a non-centered point of the source, identified by ${{x}_{P}}$ the additional path is ${{\delta }_{P}}=\frac{{{x}_{P}}D}{S}$

The fringes remain visible if ${{\delta }_{P}}\ll \frac{\lambda }{2}$

At worst, for points at the edge of the source ${{x}_{P}}=\frac{s}{2}$ , which gives $\frac{s}{2}\frac{D}{S}\ll \frac{\lambda }{2}$ or $\frac{s}{S}\ll \frac{\lambda }{D}$

This criterion is simple $\frac{s}{S}$ because is the angle under which is seen the source if one is placed at the level of the two holes.

Sorry for my poor english !