[Physics] Compton Scattering Feynman diagram integral expression

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I'm trying to write down the integral expression according to the feynman-rules for this Diagram of an electron with compton scattering and a one-loop correction:

Feynman Diagram http://s8.postimg.org/qd1n6zt9v/DSCN9963.jpg
![Compton Scattering][1]

$$(-ie)^4\int \frac{d^4k}{2\pi} \gamma_{\mu}\frac{i}{p-k-m+i\epsilon}\gamma_{\nu}\frac{-ig^{\mu \nu}}{k^2 + i \epsilon}\gamma_{\sigma}\frac{-ig^{\sigma\rho}}{k_1^2+i\epsilon}\frac{i}{p+k_1-m+i\epsilon}\\\gamma^{\alpha}\frac{-ig^{\alpha \beta}}{k_2^2+i\epsilon}\frac{i}{p+k_1+k_2-m+i\epsilon} $$

Is that somehow correct? I have the impression that the indices are not balanced. Is it correct that i only integrate over the first part with the loop?

Thanks in advance,

Best Answer

enter image description here

From right to left:

  • outgoing electron $e^-$ spinor: $\bar{u}(p_2)$
  • QED vertex: $ie\gamma^\nu$
  • outgoing photon: $e^*(k_2)$
  • electron propagator: $\frac{i}{\not{q}-m+i0}$
  • incoming photon: $e(k_1)$
  • QED vertex: $ie\gamma^\mu$
  • incoming electron $e^-$ spinor: $u(p_1)$

There is no photon propagator in this process, and also, only one electron propagator. You should rewrite your expression since it's wrong.

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