[Physics] Compressing a spring


So i just learned that the force exerted from a spring equals the spring constant times the length of the spring:

$$ F_s=k~\ell $$

However, this would mean that if you were to compress a spring with your hands, you would feel the greatest amount of resistance in the beginning, because as soon as the length of the spring decreases, so would the force it exerts, and it would just accelerate inwards until it breaks. This is obviously not what actually happens, as a real spring would simply reach equilibrium and exert an equal force to the one applied (provided the force is not too great, of course) after being compressed a little. So my question is why does the force of the spring increase when the length decreases, when the formula says the force should decrease?

Best Answer

The equation for the spring is subtly different from the one you give. It is actually:

$$ F_s=k~\Delta\ell $$

where $\Delta\ell$ is the change in the spring length.

Suppose you take a spring a metre long and compress it by a millimetre ($10^{-3}$m) then the force is not $k$ times one metre, it is $k$ times the change in the length i.e. $k$ times a millimetre in this case:

$$ F_s=k \times 10^{-3} $$

As you compress the spring more and more the change in length gets bigger and bigger, so the force gets greater and greater. Which is of course exactly what we observe.

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