[Physics] Closed timelike curves in the Kerr metric


I just read in Landau-Lifshitz that the Kerr metric admits closed timelike curves in the region $r \in (0, r_{hor})$ where $r_{hor}$ is the event-horizon ( I am talking about the case $|M|>|a|$ (subextremal case) here ). Now, unfortunately they don't give an example of such a curve. Could anybody of you write down explicitly such a CTC so that I could go through the computation once by myself. I would really like to see this once.

If anything is unclear, please let me know.

Best Answer

See section 3.19 of Black Holes: An Introduction By Derek J. Raine, Edwin George Thomas


That book has an example: Boyer Lindquist coordinates: take an orbit where only phi is changing, then the proper time on that orbit is given by (a formula in the book) then we set r = just inside the ring singularity, and one gets a timelike dt > 0 path that is periodic.

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