[Physics] Circular polarization of variable-frequency light by 3D cinema glasses


A dominant method to obtain 3D images in the cinemas seems to be circular polarization. Separate pictures are projected with (alternating) circular polarization filters and passive glasses of the viewers block the wrong images for each eye (left-handed is OK for the left eye and right-handed is OK for the right eye, or vice versa). This allows the viewer to rotate his head, something impossible for linear polarizations, and it allows the glasses to be very cheap.

As far as I understand, all methods responsible for creating or filtering circular polarization are based on linear polarization filters with some quarter-wavelength "gaps" in between. But this only seems to work well for a fixed wavelength.

How do the glasses manage to properly filter circular polarized of any color, i.e. variable wavelength? Or are the images projected so that only three particular frequencies – "red, green, blue" – are projected for which it just happens that the glasses work with the right $N+1/4$ multiple of the wavelength?

Best Answer

There are generally two ways that I know of to accomplish this.

  • Film stacks
  • Optically active film stacks

Normal film stacks are thin stacks of films of different indices of refraction and different thicknesses. With enough stacks and using generalized Snell's refraction and Fresnel coefficients you can usually manufacture fairly exotic polarization elements, even with broad spectral bands.

Optically active materials use an electric - magnetic field feedback loop to generate a circular conversion. You can conceptually think about the bulk material as made up of tiny helices of wire. An electric field will drive current in the wire, creating a magnetic field, which induces another current in the wire, etc. This effect can be used to make circular polarization elements (polarizers, rotators, etc.)

Many polaroid (which is cheap) materials are optically active. I have looked at the circular polarizers in the movie glasses and they look like polaroid to me.

So they are very likely not just three $\frac{1}{4}$ waveplates sandwiched between three sets of linear polarizers, they are probably a set of polaroids, engineered to work at the RGB wavelengths. They are probably made by JDSU, I remember a few years ago seeing a presentation by JDSU about polaroid RGB polarizers for use in 3D applications.

The circular polarizer manufactured from a chiral bulk material like polaroid is very easy to manufacture (and cheap) compared with thin film stacks and with sandwiching polarizers and waveplates...

We will soon (as in 6 months to a year) have a polarimeter in my lab which has a monochromator so that we can measure the full polarization states while scanning over wavelength, when it is finished I'll measure the full polarization properties over wavelength of a pair of these glasses and post them here...