[Physics] Change in momentum during collision of car and truck


Someone please help, I am so confused with this conceptual question.

If a car mass $m$ and a truck mass $M$ travelling at the same speed $v$ collide head on and stick together, which vehicle experiences the greater magnitude of change in momentum?

I was given an explanation in terms of Newton's third law with the action and reaction force being equal and opposite so the magnitude of change in momentum is the same. I get this.

However, what I really don't get is why, if I write down the change in momentum like this ($v_2$ being final velocity of both vehicles):

Change in momentum of car = Final momentum – initial momentum = $mv_2 – mv = m(v_2-v)$

Change in momentum of truck = Final momentum – initial momentum = $Mv_2 – Mv= M(v_2-v)$

These two do not equal because the mass of the truck is larger, so wouldn't the change in momentum of the truck be greater? Why is this method of thinking about it wrong? If anyone could explain it I would be really grateful!

Best Answer

The two vehicles have separate momenta initially, and share a momentum after collision. While the magnitude of change in momentum for each individual vehicle can differ, the system conserves momentum as a whole.

Consider two objects colliding, one with momentum $p_1$ going right, and one going left with momentum $p_2 = -2p_1$. Before collision, it is clear that the magnitude of momentum of the second object is larger than the first, or $p_2 > p_1$.

After collision, the objects stick together and as a whole move with momentum $-p_1$, due to conservation of momentum.

So the change in $p_1$, $\Delta p_1 = -2 p_1 = p_2$

and the change in $p_2$, $\Delta p_2 = p_1$

Here, it is clear that the magnitude of change in momentum for $p_1$ is larger than the magnitude of change in momentum for $p_2$, or $|\Delta p_1| > | \Delta p_2 |$. But each momentum individually is changed by the opposing momentum.

But if we look at the momentum of the system, we see that the quantity is conserved by $p_1 + p_2 = p_1 - 2p_1 = -p_1$

This implies that although the momenta of the two objects change by different amounts, they change by amounts which will ensure that the total momentum after equals the sum of the momenta initially. $p_1$ is changed more than $p_2$, but the sum of $p_1$ & $p_2$ does not change.

enter image description here

Using conservation of momentum, we know the momentum before will equal the momentum of the system after, or

$p_1 + p_2 = p_{1}'+p_{2}'$

Let $p_1$ be car momentum, $p_2$ be truck.

$p_1 = mv_1$

$p_2 = -Mv_1$

After collision, the vehicles are stuck together, so they will share their mass and velocity.

$p_{1}'+p_{2}'= v_2(m+M)$

So the conservation of momentum yields: $mv_1 - Mv_1 = v_1(m-M) = v_2(m+M)$

The momentum change in the car is equal to the momentum of the truck, and conversely, the momentum change in the truck is equal to the car.

So, $\Delta p_1 = p_2$

and, $\Delta p_2 = p_1$

Then if $|p_2|>|p_1|$, $|\Delta p_1| > |\Delta p_2|$

The change of momentum for the car is more than the change of momentum for the truck, but the changes are equal and opposite leading to the conservation of momentum.

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