[Physics] Central force – stable/unstable circular orbit for $V = -V_0 \exp(-\lambda^2 r^2)$

angular momentumcentrifugal forceclassical-mechanicshomework-and-exercisespotential energy

This problem is from Introduction to Classical Mechanics With Problems and Solutions by David Morin. The solution is also given in the book for this particular problem.

Problem #6.6.1

A particle moves in a potential $V(r) = -V_0 \exp(-\lambda^2 x^2)$.

(a) Given angular momentum $L$ find the radius of the stable circular orbit.

(b) It turns out that if $L$ is too large, then a circular orbit doesn't exist. What is the largest value of $L$ for which a circular orbit does indeed exists? What is the value of $V_{eff}(r)$ in this case?

The first part to this problem is straight foward, minimize $V_{eff}(r)$ and solve for $r_0$, which gives the radii for the circular orbit If one solves for $r_0$ then one gets, $L^2 = (2m V_0 \lambda^2)r_0^4 \exp(-\lambda^2 r_0^2)$. Now the subtle point here is that there isn't always going to be a solution to this; for large value of $L$ there is no solution. But in general there is going to be two solution for $r_0$. This can be seen from the plot of $V_{eff}(r)$.

So my question is, how to actually find $r_0$? I want to get a value, and then say that for this value the orbit is stable or unstable. Can someone guide me? Secondly, the relation has $r_0^4$, so how can it have just 2 solutions? What about the other 2?

Best Answer

The effective potential in your case is

$$V_{\rm eff}(r)=\frac{L^2}{2mr^2}-V_{0}\exp(-\lambda^2r^2)$$

and if we differentiate

$$V^{\prime}_{\rm eff}(r)=-\frac{L^2}{mr^3}+2\lambda^2V_{0}r\exp(-\lambda^2r^2)$$

This vanishes if


as you've already observed. Now lets define $C\equiv2m\lambda^2V_{0}$ and $f(r)\equiv Cr^4\exp(-\lambda^2r^2)$, so our equation is


This equation does not have a solution that can be expressed explicitly using elementary functions. For $L\leq L_{\rm max}$ (which you're asked to find in (b)), it has four solutions. Two positive solutions: one corresponds to a stable equilibrium and the other to an unstable one, and two mirrored negative solutions that are discarded.

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