[Physics] center of the Universe if the Universe is finite


Ok, let me make myself clear. I saw all the other questions related to the question, but none of them actually asks the question the way I would put it and therefore no one answers it the way I want it answered, so here it is, I'll try to formulate it.

I perfectly understand that every single point in the Universe may be taken as the "location of the Big Bang", as it happened, because everything was in the very same place – the singularity (zero volume and infinite mass), in terms of 3-dimensional space.

As far as I understand, once all this energy was released and the Big Bang occurred, it created and started expanding what we now perceive as the 3-dimensional space of our Universe.
And as far as I understand it was expanding (and still is) equally in all directions. In Wikipedia the model given is that of a bread muffin, so that we see that all reference points expand equally, given a relative center, no matter where you are in the Universe. However, this is not true if you are close to the outer surface of the muffin, and the muffin has finite size and has an edge, where the Universe ends. Given the example with the muffin, with finite Universe, there is a single point that never formed a vector of movement, ever since the Big Bang took place. And this is the center of the muffin. That would be the center of the Universe, given the possibility that it is finite.

However, if the Universe has no edge and no boundaries and is infinite in terms of 3-dimensional space, there would be no center in that space and I would be perfectly happy 🙂
But if it is finite, as I described above, it would have a center. Or am I wrong?

Please do not mark my question as duplicate, since no one puts it that way in the other questions, I've made my research 🙂

Best Answer

You are right that a finite universe, if flat, would necessarily have a center.

However, an infinite universe has no center. An infinite muffin in 3D has a divergent volume at any point in its history, and so any point you choose will have equal (equally infinite, speaking loosely) amounts of stuff in every direction from it. All we can say is that the universe has expanded by some factor between time $t_1$ and time $t_2$.

Alternatively, a finite universe can also have no center if it is curved. In particular, if it has positive curvature1 everywhere, it loops back on itself. The analogy here is of the surface of a balloon. This is a finite 2D surface, and it has a perfectly well defined area. Still, all points are equal and none can be said to be the center. Even if the balloon is expanding, the "center" is not a part of the "universe" in this model.

The balloon analogy is used a lot in explaining cosmology, but in fact the infinite muffin describes our actual universe better. As best we can tell, our actual universe is flat and infinite.

1 Uniform positive curvature is characteristic of a (hyper)sphere. Uniform negative curvature in 2D yields a saddle.

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