[Physics] Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in Shankhar’s Quantum Mechanics

complex numbershilbert-spacelinear algebraquantum mechanicsvectors

I'm trying to understand proof of this inequality. But I have some problems.

So, Shankar starts a proof with definition a new vector $|z \rangle$:

$$ |z \rangle = |v\rangle – \frac{\langle w|v \rangle}{|w|^2} |w \rangle.$$

And here, I would like to know, why we suppose vector in this form? I know that it's projection of one vector on the second one.

My second question is, that we multiply this equation by $\langle z|$.
$$ \langle z|z\rangle = \left\langle v – \frac{\langle w|v \rangle}{|w|^2} w \right|\left.v-\frac{\langle w|v \rangle}{|w|^2} |w \right\rangle\\ = \langle v|v \rangle – \frac{\langle w|v \rangle \langle v|w \rangle}{|w|^2} – \frac{\langle w|v \rangle ^*\langle w|v \rangle}{|w|^2} + \frac{\langle w|v \rangle ^*\langle w|v \rangle \langle w|w \rangle}{|w|^4} $$

What I don't understand is a complex conjugate in the last two expression. Why then, we don't conjugate the first and the second one?


So – we're multiplying ket-z times bra-z. So, if the ket-z is:
$$ |z \rangle = |v\rangle – \frac{\langle w|v \rangle}{|w|^2} |w \rangle.$$
and bra-z is:
$$ \langle z |= \langle v|- \frac{\langle w|v \rangle}{|w|^2} \langle w|.$$

And what concernes me is this term above:
$$ \langle w|v \rangle, $$
because if $ | z \rangle = [(\langle z |^*)^T]. $ So shouldn't bra-z be
$$ \langle z |= \langle v|- \frac{\langle v|w \rangle}{|w|^2} \langle w|.$$

Best Answer

With regards to your first question, the vector $| z\rangle$ is chosen so it is orthogonal to $| w\rangle$. To see this, note that $\langle a|(|b\rangle+|c\rangle)=\langle a|b\rangle+\langle a|c\rangle$ implies $$\langle w|z\rangle=\left\langle w\left|v-\frac{\langle w|v\rangle}{|w|^2}|w\rangle\right.\right\rangle =\langle w|v\rangle+\left\langle w\left|-\frac{\langle w|v\rangle}{|w|^2}|w\rangle\right.\right\rangle.$$ Let us be careful now about the treatment of the second term, which is related to your second question. We have that $\langle a|(\lambda |b\rangle)\rangle=\lambda\langle a|b\rangle$. Therefore, taking $|a\rangle=|w\rangle=|b\rangle$ and $\lambda=-\frac{\langle w|v\rangle}{|w|^2}$, we see that $$\left\langle w\left|-\frac{\langle w|v\rangle}{|w|^2}|w\rangle\right.\right\rangle=-\frac{\langle w|v\rangle}{|w|^2}\left\langle w\left|w\right.\right\rangle$$ Finally, recalling that $|w|^2:=\langle w|w\rangle$, we conclude that $$\left\langle w\left|-\frac{\langle w|v\rangle}{|w|^2}|w\rangle\right.\right\rangle=-\frac{\langle w|v\rangle}{|w|^2}|w|^2=-\langle w|v\rangle,$$ and $$\langle w|z\rangle=\langle w|v\rangle-\langle w|v\rangle=0.$$ As a consequence, you get that $|v\rangle$, $|z\rangle$ and $\frac{\langle w|v\rangle}{|w|^2}|w\rangle$ form a right triangle with hypotenuse $$|v\rangle=|z\rangle +\frac{\langle w|v\rangle}{|w|^2}|w\rangle.$$ Pythagoras' theorem then guarantees that $$|v|^2=|z|^2+\frac{|\langle w|v\rangle|^2}{|w|^4}|w|^2=|z|^2+\frac{|\langle w|v\rangle|^2}{|w|^2}\geq\frac{|\langle w|v\rangle|^2}{|w|^2}.$$ We conclude that $|v|^2|w|^2\geq|\langle w|v\rangle|^2$. This is the proof given in this Wikipedia article.

If you understood this computation, the answer to your your second question should be clear. Remember that $\langle a|b\rangle=\langle b|a\rangle^*$ and so $\langle (\lambda a)|b\rangle=\lambda^*\langle a|b\rangle$.

Response to edit:

Your first formula for $\langle z|$ is wrong. The second one is the correct one $$\langle z|=\langle v|-\frac{\langle v|w\rangle}{|w|^2}\langle w|$$