[Physics] Capacitors in series: Why is the equivalent charge the same as the individual charges


Consider two parallel-plate capacitors $C_1, C_2$ in series. For the "equivalent" circuit, clearly
$$ Q_{equiv} = C_{equiv}V$$
should hold, where V is the total voltage drop between input and output. It is also obvious that
$$ Q_1 = Q_2 $$
where $Q_1$ and $Q_2$ are the charges (plus and minus on opposite sides) accumulated on each of the two sets of plates. Obviously in general,
$$ V_1 \neq V_2 \qquad \text{}$$

However, just because we have two capacitors with equal charge inside the circuit why is it true that for the equivalent circuit

$$Q_{equiv} = Q_1 = Q_2$$

I see no obvious reason why this should be true, and this is assumed, though not explained in the discusssion below: http://farside.ph.utexas.edu/teaching/302l/lectures/node46.html

Best Answer

Here's what I do (or rather, what I just did) to convince myself of your result.

We're trying to "reduce" the two capacitors in series to an equivalent capacitor. Equivalent in every way, including how much charge would flow when discharging the capacitor.

Imagine discharging the two capacitors that are series. How much total charge would flow? Since, as you've stated, the "input" and "output" sides store equal magnitude charges $|Q_1|=|Q_2|\equiv Q$, then we should be able to recover this much charge during discharging.

By discharging the equivalent capacitor, then, one should expect to have a total charge $Q$ flow during discharging. Thus, $Q_\mathrm{equiv}=Q$.