Electrostatics – Understanding the Capacitor-Spring Analogy


Imagine the two terminal of a parallel-plate capacitor are connected to the two terminal of a battery with electric potential difference $V$. The capacitance of the capacitor is $C$, the area of each plate is $A$ and distance between the plates is $d$. After getting charged, the capacitor is detached from the battery and then the distance between the plate $d$ is made twice the original i. e. $d'=2d$. Clearly, after getting separated twice the distance, the energy of the capacitor $U$ will increase since $U'=\frac{1}{2} \cdot \frac{Q^2}{C} =\frac{1}{2} \cdot \frac{Q^2}{\frac{\epsilon A}{d'}} = \frac{1}{2} \cdot \frac{Q^2}{\frac{\epsilon A}{2d}} = 2 \cdot \frac{1}{2} \cdot \frac{Q^2}{\frac{\epsilon A}{d}} = 2 U $ . But how can we describe the increases in energy of the capacitor by making an analogy of increasing in potential energy of a spring when stretched?

We know that the potential energy of a spring is $E_s = \frac{1}{2} k x^2$ where $k$ is the spring constant. The Wikipedia page claims that $k$ is analogous to $\frac{1}{C}$ when $U=\frac{1}{2} \cdot \frac{1}{C}Q^2$ but $k$ is a constant while capacitance $C$ changes. This doesn't seem right as $C$ isn't constant. Then how can we make the analogy with the spring while the stored energy is increasing in the capacitor?

Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

Clearly, after getting separated twice the distance, the energy of the capacitor $U$ will increase

Yes, and the basic reason is work has to be done by an external agent to separate the plates against the attractive force between the plates. That work is energy transferred to the electric field of the capacitor and is responsible for doubling the stored energy.

But how can we describe the increases in energy of the capacitor by making an analogy of increasing in potential energy of a spring when stretched?


$$C=\frac{\epsilon A}{d}$$

Doubling the separation (with the same $A$ and $\epsilon$) means halving the capacitance. Then, from


For conservation of charge, halving the capacitance means doubling the voltage. Then the energy storied in the capacitor, in terms of the original capacitance, is then


Or double the original.

Since from the spring-capacitor analogy,


Halving the capacitance is analogous to doubling the spring constant, i.e., analogous to doubling its "stiffness". Doubling the spring constant, for the same displacement means doubling the force. So force in a spring is analogous to the voltage for a capacitor.

Now, to make your example that of a spring instead of a capacitor you would have had a spring having spring constant $k$ stretched an amount $x$ by some external force and held. The elastic potential energy stored in the spring is then


And the force necessary to maintain the stretched spring is


Now, somehow (miraculously) the spring constant doubled (the spring became twice as stiff). In order to keep the spring stretched by $x$ it would be necessary to double the externally applied force. So the original force has to double. In terms of the original value of $k$, for the same value of $x$ the force is now,


The energy now stored in the spring becomes

$$U=\int_{0}^{x}(2kx)dx=2\int (kx)=kx^2$$

So the energy stored in the spring would be double the original, just like in the case of the capacitor, when $C=1/k$.

Note that the new stored energy for the capacitor and the spring given above are in terms of the original values of $C$ and $k$.

Moreover, in addition to the analogy between the capacitance and spring constant, there is also the analogy between force, in the case of the spring, and voltage in the case of the capacitor. The doubling of the voltage for the case of the capacitor is analogous to doubling the force in the case of the spring.

Hope this helps.