[Physics] Can’t seem to derive the formula for the electric field over a square sheet


I'm trying to derive the formula for the electric field a height $h$ above the center of a uniformly charged square sheet with sides $2a$.

To do so I'm using the formula for the electric field above the center of a line segment with length $2L$ and uniform charge density:

$$E = \frac{2k_e\lambda L}{h\sqrt{h^2+L^2}}$$

Then using the fact that $\lambda(2L) = Q$, I get

$$E = \frac{k_eQ}{h\sqrt{h^2+L^2}}$$

Then I can cut the square sheet into line segments with differential charge $dq = \sigma dA$ and differential area $dA = 2adx$. I just have to take into account that I only need the vertical component of the electric fields and integrate:

$$\begin{align}E &= k_e(\sigma 2a)\int_{-a}^a \frac{dx}{\sqrt{h^2+x^2}\sqrt{h^2+x^2+a^2}}\cos(\theta) \\ &= 4a\sigma k_e\int_0^a \frac{dx}{\sqrt{h^2+x^2}\sqrt{h^2+x^2+a^2}}\frac{h}{\sqrt{h^2+x^2}} \\ &= 4a\sigma hk_e\int_0^a \frac{dx}{(h^2+x^2)\sqrt{h^2+x^2+a^2}}\end{align}$$

I can't figure out any way to integrate this, but Mathematica is giving me

$$E = 4\sigma k_e\arctan\left(\frac{a^2}{h\sqrt{h^2+a^2+a^2}}\right)$$

However I know the answer is supposed to be

$$E = 2\sigma k_e\left[4\arctan\left(\sqrt{1+a^2/(2h^2)}\right)-\pi\right]$$

I can see these are not just the same answer in different forms by plugging in 1s for all the constants and evaluating. Where am I going wrong?

Best Answer

Your answer is flawless: there is nothing the matter with it. Both formulae are equivalent, and can be shown to be so with this identity:


Substitute $u^2=1+\frac{2a^2}{z^2}$ and you'll find they are equal.

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