[Physics] Can we use magnetic energy to produce electricity


Magnets attract each other with a force (magnetic force), because they possess magnetic energy.

My question is, is there any way, by which we can convert that magnetic energy into electrical energy?

I know about Faraday's experiment. But I think that the electricity produced in it, is due to mechanical energy – used to produce the relative motion of the coil and the magnet.

But, I want to know if electricity can be produced purely by using magnetic energy, i.e, we convert magnetic energy into electrical energy, so that in that process, the magnet loses its energy?

Best Answer

Perpetual motion machines utilizing permanent magnets exist, but they are perpetual only until the magnets become demagnetized. See the answers here. For the rotating ones, if one used a brush to generated triboelectricity, yes, magnetic energy will be turned into electric.

An intermediate kinetic stage is necessary, because it is changing magnetic fields that produce electric fields and vice verso, and changes can only happen using motion.

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