[Physics] Can we squeeze atoms


Lets consider few water molecules (or monoatomic noble gas or $H^+$ ions or electron gas) to be present inside a vessel, now if we enclose the vessel with certain hard material which could act as piston (assume that vessel is completely covered). Now, if we apply tremendous force on the piston (and no molecules are rushing out of the covering), can we watch the molecules to be squeezing?

I have heard about particle accelerators, where we start with electrons or protons, accelerate them to high energy and smash into the target. In general, heavier the particle we want to produce, the higher must be energy of collision.

It seems that keeping the high energy particles stationary and then squeezing them (if possible) with highly accelerated pistons from either side, is better than colliding high energy particles head-on.

The problem in not using pistons, I must think, must be because of our inability to accelerate the massive pistons to a high extent as like accelerating particles itself. But, the head-on collision of pistons with high energy particles in between, will be better than head-on collision of particles itself, I think.

In case of head on collision of particles I think, we can accelerate them to high extent, but we can't expect effective collision.

Balancing both mass and acceleration of piston, can we have the same result, as we get in particle accelerators? If we can, can we avoid constructing those large particle accelerators like Stanford linear accelerator center (see the picture)?

Can we create such piston squeezer? I know there might be some difficulties? What can we do to overcome it?

enter image description here

Sometimes, I might have misunderstood, if so, pardon me and explain.

Best Answer

The experiments at LHC hit protons on each other at total energy of 7 TeV.

In comparison, a flying moscquito has a kinetic energy of

1 TeV: a trillion electronvolts, or 1.602×10−7 J, about the kinetic energy of a flying mosquito[12]

Could one collide two flying bees of 3.5TeV kinetic energy and get a proton proton collision? i.e. give the total energy of the bee on a proton of each bee's proboscis?

The answer is "no" because macroscopic objects as the bee's proboscis have a surface composed by a very large number of atoms and the contact of the two proboscises will disperse the energy among those atoms much before it can reach one proton.

So it is true that macroscopic objects have a lot of kinetic energy in TeV, but to get it on an elementary particle level is a problem that has not been solved. Actually, maybe, with nanotechnology something might be devised, with magnetic fields and electric fields and God knows what, but certainly it will not be with pistons.