[Physics] Can two magnetic field lines intersect each other when the magnets are perpendicular to each other

electromagnetismmagnetic fieldsVector Fields

can two magnetic lines intersect each other when the magnets are perpendicular to each other? The magnetic lines would be produced by electricity.

Best Answer

can two magnetic lines intersect each other when the magnets are perpendicular to each other?

No, not in the sort of examples you're talking about anyway. Let me give you a real world example:

enter image description here

This is a topographical map. Do you see the brown lines? The represent locations of equal altitude. They don't exist, they're just lines on a map You won't see a brown line on the ground if you go there, nor do you expect to!

Now, do you see any of the lines crossing? Think about it for a second: if the lines crossed, that would mean that that spot on the ground has two different altitudes at the same time! That's not a thing. And what about the points between the lines, do they have no altitude? No, they're just not labelled.

Magnetic field lines are like these lines, they are not "real things", they are just a way of diagramming that makes it easier to understand. For topo maps we're making lines where the altitude is the same, for magnets, we're making lines where the magnetic field is the same.

Now I know what you're about to say... "but what about this:"

enter image description here

They look awfully real, don't they? But it's an illusion. Sprinkle the iron five times and you'll get five different patterns. They will be similar, but not the same. That's because they're not actually following some magic line in space, they're just getting magnetized and sticking to each other, it's a totally random process.

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