[Physics] Can there be friction unless the objects in contact are not acted upon by an external force


The definition of friction I read from The book, General Physics written by Henry Crew is that, The resistance which either one of the body offers to the motion is called force of friction". If it is produced only while motion according to definition then can there be friction when two surfaces are in contact and not move relative to each other?

Best Answer

Friction acts on objects at rest too . The definition meant that if there is relative motion between two objects then friction will act as a resistance between them . If you find two objects at rest even when an external force is applied on it then it means friction is acting on them . Had there been no friction there would have been relative motion and the definition means that this motion will be opposed by friction ( if it happens to exist ) .

In the static case, the frictional force is exactly what it must be in order to prevent motion between the surfaces; it balances the net force tending to cause such motion.

This was on Wikipedia