Nuclear Physics – Can the High Beta Fusion Reactor Work?


Are the claims made about the realistic? Can such a small fusion reactor really work?

Best Answer

I personally doubt that the Compact Fusion Reactor as presented by Lockheed Martin last week can work, but I haven't seen enough information to be certain. And to some extent, you never know until you try. (As I understand it, they only have a very early prototype, I mean try as in a full scale prototype.)

What I think I can say with certainty, is that it won't be as small as they claim - "can fit on the back of a truck". Trucks are about the same width as standard containers, so about 2.5m wide. I've had to make quite a few guesses, but I've tried to justify them and choose the smallest size possible.

In the second image here, you can see a grey blanket around the device which absorbs 14MeV neutrons to generate tritium and protect the rest of the plant. The internal coils will also need such a blanket to protect them (it's unclear if the orange skin is this blanket, or just the cryostat). It's also unclear if the outer coils are superconducting or not, but I'll assume they are otherwise the ohmic losses use too much of the power you're supposed to be generating. Superconducting coils need to be cooled with liquid helium and insulated inside a cryostat.

Blankets for a tokamak reactor are estimated at 1m thick. I'm not sure if this is dictated by the tritium breeding or the protection. If it's protection, you might be able to reduce their thickness if you're operating at 100MW instead of 1GW, so let's be optimistic and assume 0.2m thick. I'll assume the same width for the coils and the cryostat (probably optimistic again). I'll neglect any structural elements. So going from the outside of the machine to the centre we have

enter image description here

They don't give any figures for the size of the plasma, but I think it just looks silly if the plasma diameter is less than a third of the coil diameter, so I'll put 0.5m in both of those plasma columns. (Note that this is a very small distance between where the fusion happens at 10^8Kelvin and the wall at 10^3K, and would be extremely good magnetic confinement.)

Totalling up gives 2.6m from the outside to the centre, so the machine is about two trucks wide already. You might give them the benefit of the doubt at this stage, even though all those values were optimistic. But then you need to add peripherals:

  • heating system (the neutral beam injectors shown in the Lockheed diagram are usually about the size of a truck by themselves)

  • cryogenic plant for liquid helium (at least half a truck)

  • power supplies for the coils

  • vacuum pumping system

  • steam turbine

  • bioshield. Even the 1m blanket on a tokamak doesn't block all of the 14MeV neutrons. Safety regulations will require a few metres of concrete shielding in all directions (multiple trucks)

So even if it would work, I don't think anyone will be putting it on a plane.

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