[Physics] Can sound be turned into electrical energy


Can we somehow transform the noise wave sounds, from a highway, to electrical energy?

Best Answer

You could do this, but the amount of energy is too low to be useful.

Even if the noise from the highway was continuous and loud enough to cause long term hearing damage, the sound energy level would only be about 1 milliwatt per square meter. You would need several square meters of sensors even to power a single LED light, which isn't very practical.

Human hearing works on a logarithmic scale of loudness, not a linear one - a typical "noisy crowd of people" environment only has an energy of about 1 microwatt per square meter, and the threshold of human hearing is about 1 picowatt ($10^{-12}$ watts) per square meter.

See http://www.physnet.org/modules/pdf_modules/m203.pdf.

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