[Physics] Can someone explain the concept of normal force, and its direction


I was studying friction and couldn't grasp the concept of normal force.
Can someone kindly explain it?

Edit: why is the value of the normal force equal to $mg$ even though it is acting opposite to Earth's gravity? Shouldn't it be $−mg$?

Best Answer

Normal force is a "holding back" force.

Place an apple on a table, and the table holds it up. This "holding up" force is always perpendicular, which is why it is called the normal force ("normal to" means "perpendicular to").

Any stiff surface will hold back against something that pushes on it, like this weight of an apple, and that "hold back" force is given the name normal force.

why is the value of normal force equal to mg even though it is acting opposite to earth's gravity? Should it be -mg?

Forget about that right away! This is not true. It might be in some cases, but it is not a general rule. Never say that normal force must be $mg$. Never say that it must be anything - it depends on the situation every time.

  • The apple on the table has a weight $w=mg$. The table must hold back with exactly $mg$ as well to hold up the apple. This comes from Newton's 1st law (positive direction upwards): $$\sum F=0\Leftrightarrow n+(-mg) =0\Leftrightarrow n=mg$$

  • Now push down on top of the apple. The table must now hold back against the apple weight $w=mg$ and the pushing force $F_{push}$: $$\sum F=0\Leftrightarrow n+(-mg) +(-F_{push}) =0\Leftrightarrow n=mg+F_{push}$$

  • Now push on a wall. Nothing puts weight on the wall, but you give a horizontal pushing force. The wall's normal force appears to hold back, this time horizontally (positive direction outwards from the wall):

$$\sum F=0\Leftrightarrow n+(-F_{push}) =0\Leftrightarrow n=F_{push}$$

A new value of $n$ in a new situation. Doesn't have anything to do with weight.

I hope this also cleared out the signs. You are right that the weight $w=mg$ and normal force $n$ in the apple example will have opposite signs, and they also do when you put them into the first law: the weight $mg$ pulls down (negative) while $n$ holds back upwards (positive). But they are on the same side of the equal sign, so rearranging changes a sign.

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