[Physics] Can similar charges attract each other


Yesterday my teacher was giving us an introduction to the fundamental forces of nature. She asked why opposite charges attract to each other and similar charges repel each other. This question gave me an idea that similar charges may attract to each other. When I discussed this question with my teacher, she said that yes it can happen, if one of the charged bodies is too big in size in comparison of the other.
This will happen because the larger body will induce an opposite charge to smaller body and they will start attracting to each other.
I am confused with my teacher's explanation and hoping for help here. Please tell me that is it even possible? and if it is, then please elaborate it in an easier way so I can get my mind out of it.
Thanks in advance for any help.

Best Answer

Your teacher might be referring to this article:

Ball (2012), Nature News: Like attracts like?

The key to Leknerā€™s seemingly bizarre conclusion is that the spheres are electrically conducting. This means that charge can get redistributed non-uniformly on their surfaces. ... When far enough apart, the two spheres do act like more-or-less uniformly charged objects, which repel one another when the charges are alike. But as they get closer, they become polarized: one sphere elicits an image charge in the other by pushing like charge away. At close enough range, the resulting attraction wins out.