[Physics] Can power (in the context of work and energy) ever be negative


Consider this question which HAS definitely been asked but i ask you now to question your first inclination to just 'do the question' and explain the thought process. Restrictions: assume you only know work energy theorem, and the definition of power (average power = force * average velocity OR DELTA work/ DELTA time, instantaneous work = force * instantaneous velocity or dW/dt) So no potential energy as it shouldn't require it. and of course you have your kinemtaic equations with newtons laws.

"A 20.0-kg rock is sliding on a rough, horizontal surface at 8ms^-1
and eventually stops due to friction. The coefficient of
kinetic friction between the rock and the surface is 0.200. What
average power is produced by friction as the rock stops?"

so, going the long route (instead of force * average velocity * cosTheta, where theta is angle between the two vectors)

work total = work done by friction

        = (1/2*m*v_2)^2 - (1/2*m*v_1)^2 (work-energy theorem)
        = -640J (Keep in mind that the work done by friction is negative as the the displacement and force are indeed in different directions)

time taken for work:
v = v_0 + at

t = (v – v_0)/a

= (0-8)/(-mu_k*g) (net acceleration worked out through newtons second law)


Therefore, average power should be

average power = DELTA work/ DELTA time

            = (-640J - 0J)/(4.08s - 0s)

i double checked everything and looked at other websites and it gives no mention of negative power… so what do you guys think?

Best Answer

Assume that the system under consideration is the rock.

So your statement

Keep in mind that the work done by friction is negative

If perhaps better written as

Keep in mind that the work done on the rock by the external force (friction) is negative

The work done on the rock is negative because the change in kinetic energy of the rock is negative.

A negative amount of work done on the rock can be interpreted as a positive amount of work done by the rock.