[Physics] Can mass be directly measured without measuring its weight


From Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass

Inertial mass measures an object's resistance to being accelerated by
a force (represented by the relationship F=ma).

Active gravitational
mass measures the gravitational force exerted by an object.

gravitational mass measures the gravitational force experienced by an
object in a known gravitational field.

Mass-Energy measures the total
amount of energy contained within a body, using E=mc²

For all mass measurements, we are actually measuring its force and dividing it by the gravitational acceleration, $g$. The current devices for measuring mass (be it weighing scale, mass balance etc) all works by measuring the force rather than the mass (since g is assumed to be constant, $F{\alpha}m$).

As for the Mass-Energy measurements, it is difficult to measure the total amount of energy as it comprises many factors (which is why ${\Delta}E$ tells us more than the total energy $E$.)

Even for measuring the mass of celestial objects (such as the moon), the Newton law of gravitation is used, which also measures the force and applying the equation to obtain its mass.

Are there any methods or devices that directly measure the mass, without measuring the force and manipulating it to get the mass?

Best Answer

I'm not sure whether these theoretical ideas are is included in what you have in mind. They are only good (and the first , as far as I know, only in theory) for fundamental particles and not for measuring masses of everyday things, but here goes. The second - inference from cross coupling co-efficient between otherwise dispersionless, massless states - is actually the method we use to show that neutrinos have mass, but so far we haven't refined it enough to accurately measure that mass. Still, an inference that the rest mass is nonzero is still highly significant and counts for something IMO. Moreover, we may refine this method to give numbers in the future.

Method 1: Fundamental Particle Dispersion Relationships

This method is to infer the mass of a fundamental particle from experimentally measured dispersion relationships.

A possible fourth quality to add to your list is that mass measures what I call a fundamental particle's "stay-puttability". This is actually the generalisation $E^2 = p^2 c^2 + m_0^2 c^4$ the mass-energy equivalence you cite in disguise. (the equation is simply the pseudo-norm of the momentum 4-vector rewritten).

To look at this idea further, let's think of the Klein-Gordon equation for a lone, first quantised particle, which each spinor component of something fulfilling the Dirac equation must fulfill:

$$\left(-\hbar^2 \partial_t^2 + \hbar^2\,c^2 \nabla^2 - m_0^2\,c^4\right)\psi = 0\tag{1}$$

Hopefully you can pick out $E^2 - p^2 c^2 - m_0^2 c^4=0$ from the unwonted way I've written the equation: recall $i\hbar\partial_t$ is simply the LHS of the general Schödinger equation, so that, by the Schödinger equation, $\hat{H}$ and thus equivalent to the energy observable; also $-i\hbar\nabla$ is the momentum observable. Maxwell's equations can also be thought of as a kind of massless Dirac equation, so that the components of the potential four-vector also fulfill (1) and we can think of the photon as being included in this discussion.

For pure energy eigenstates, $i\hbar\partial_t = \hbar \omega$ and if we Fourier transform (1) into momentum space, we get from (1) the dispersion relationship for the fundamental particle:

$$\omega^2 = k^2\,c^2 +\frac{m_0^2\,c^4}{\hbar^2}\tag{2}$$

so that the group velocity is:

$$v_g = \frac{\mathrm{d}\,\omega}{\mathrm{d}\,k} = \frac{c}{\sqrt{1+\frac{m_0^2\,c^2}{\hbar^2\,k^2}}}\tag{3}$$

Massless particles must always be observed to be travelling at speed $c$, as shown by (3). They are always dispersionless. However, if $m_0$ is nonzero in (3) you can slow a particle down, or "make it stay put" by making the momentum $\hbar\,k$ very small. You can see now from (3) what I mean by mass measures a particle's "stay puttability".

So now you can in theory measure $k$ from matter diffraction experiments, or select for a narrow $k$ from a stream of particles whose mass you are trying to measure using a Bragg grating (for electrons or neutrons, read near-perfect matter crystal). Then you can presumably measure their velocities, within the bounds of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, by using a matter version of something like a Fizeau-Foucault apparatus: i.e. a sequence of chopper wheels with angular displacements between their slits, so that only particles of a certain velocity, proportional to the chopper wheel angular speed, can make it through the chopper wheels. Then you vary the chopper speed to observe which speeds you detect particles at, and this will let you work out $v_g$. Knowing $v_g$ and $k$ now lets you work out $m_0$ from (3).

Method 2: Cross Coupling Co-efficient Measurement

This, as far as I can understand, is actually the method we use to know that neutrinos have mass. So far it is not very accurate: we can only infer nonzero mass but we haven't refined the method enough to say what that mass is. However, we may do so in the future. The beginning point of this discussion is the Dirac equation for the electron written in a particular way: we write the equations for the so-called Weyl spinors, which are a kind of circular polarisation for the electron:

$$\begin{array}{lcl}\partial\!\!\!/ \psi_L &=& -m\,\psi_R\\\partial\!\!\!/ \psi_R &=& +m\,\psi_L\end{array}\tag{4}$$

Maxwell's equations written in the same form are:

$$\begin{array}{lcl}\partial\!\!\!/ \psi_L &=& 0\\\partial\!\!\!/ \psi_R &=& 0\end{array}\tag{5}$$

That is, on comparing (4) and (5), the electron can be thought of as otherwise two massless, dispersionless particles, mutually tethered together by the cross term $m$; note the two first order equations are uncoupled in the Maxwell equation case. The first massless particle "tries" to zip off at the speed of light. Before this particle gets very far, the cross coupling term $m$ in (4) means that it changes into the other particle, which then also "tries" to zip off at lightspeed, only to be converted back to the first particle and the cycle repeats. This is the phenomenon that Schrödinger called the "Zitterbewegung" (German for quivvering motion) (can you say this word aloud without smiling? - I can't! It's a wonderful example of onomatopoeia). The nett result is that the mutually tethered system - the electron - has a rest mass: confined massless particles always have an inertia, as I discuss in my answer here.

Likewise for the neutrino. It used to be thought that the Weyl equation for the neutrino was the same as (4): three uncoupled, massless Weyl equations for the neutrino flavours. But we experimentally observe that a neutrino shifts between flavours as it propagates. Thus we know that there is a nonzero coupling co-efficient between the flavours, and therefore a mass. So flavour oscillation may in the future be another method for measuring mass.

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