[Physics] can heat radiate from a cold to hot body


if you have 2 bodies (A,B), with Temperature of B>A, can you have heat transfer from A to B through radiation?
In particular if A reflects the wavelengths that B is emitting the radiation at would this be possible?
And if so is this process independent of the temperature of B (since A is reflective) or does A radiate as a function of the temperature difference with its surroundings (in this case B).

I was thinking of how this applies to radiative sky cooling: the process by which you use the radiation of object A to disperse heat, and create A reflective of the Sun's radiation to not heat up from that.
The universe is about 3K, if it was 200K, would this process differ?

Best Answer

Yes, some times it is possible This is happening in refrigerator. In this case some energy must be supplied to complete this transaction