[Physics] Can focal length of convex lens be negative


Is focal length of convex lens negative when it is surrounded by a medium with greater refractive index than that of lens?

Best Answer

A convex lens in a medium with index larger than that of the lens will act like a divergent lens, yes. This is the physical fact. If you consider the focal length positive or negative will depend on the convention used. By usual convention, the focal lens of divergent lenses is taken with minus sign. If you use the lens-maker formula (in the thin lens approximation) $$ \frac{1}{f}=(n_{lens} -n_{medium})(\frac{1}{R_1}- \frac{1}{R_2}) $$ you can see that if $ \ n_{lens} <n_{medium}$ the focal length will be negative. Note that the formula is written with the convention that $R_2$ is negative for convex lenses so that the content of the second parenthesis on the RHS is always positive for convex lenses.

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