[Physics] Can any rank tensor be decomposed into symmetric and anti-symmetric parts


I know that rank 2 tensors can be decomposed as such. But I would like to know if this is possible for any rank tensors?

Best Answer

A (higher) $n$-rank tensor $T^{\mu_1\ldots \mu_n}$ with $n\geq 3$ cannot always be decomposed into just a totally symmetric and a totally antisymmetric piece. In general, there will also be components of mixed symmetry.

The symmetric group $S_n$ acts on the indices $$(\mu_1,\ldots ,\mu_n)\quad \longrightarrow\quad (\mu_{\pi(1)},\ldots ,\mu_{\pi(n)})$$ via permutations $\pi\in S_n$. One can decompose the tensor $T^{\mu_1\ldots \mu_n}$ according to irreps (irreducible representations) of the symmetric group.

Each irrep corresponds to a Young tableau of $n$ boxes. For instance, a single horizontal row of $n$ boxes corresponds to a totally symmetric tensor, while a single vertical column of $n$ boxes corresponds to a totally antisymmetric tensor. But there are also other Young tableaux with a (kind of) mixed symmetry.

Here is a Google search for further reading.

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