[Physics] Can an electromagnet repel a strong magnet

electromagnetismmagnetic fields

When the direction of current is reversed, the polarity of an electromagnet should be reversed. I am trying to understand why this did not happen in an experiment I conducted today.

An electromagnet was connected to a 12v battery and I verified that it was working.
I then touched the electromagnet to a strong regular magnet (rated to hold over 50 kg). There was a strong force between the magnets. I then disconnected the electromagnet from power, reversed the wires, and turned it back on. I expected to feel the electromagnet repel the other magnet, but instead they two magnets got stuck together again. It seems like reversing the wires had no affect on the polarity of the electromagnet.

Here is a picture of the electromagnet I used for reference:
enter image description here

And here is the strong regular magnet.

Best Answer

The electromagnet appears to contain a ferromagnetic core. This core is magnetized by the electromagnetic coil. It retains a magnetic field after the coil is turned off, and its field may take some time to reverse after the coil polarity is reversed.

Moreover, if the test magnet is more powerful than the coil (which sounds to be the case), it will cancel the field of the coil completely. You are essentially attaching the ferromagnet to the permanent magnet.

Source: Wikipedia.

You might try again with only a coreless coil. Perhaps try an inductor rather than a dedicated solenoid.