[Physics] Can amorphous solids have energy bands


One can understand the formation of energy bands from the Kronig-Penny model which assumes a periodic potential. But I heard that even if the potential is aperiodic, for example in amorphous substances (glass, plastic) there also exist bands. If not periodicity what is the fundamental physics that causes band formation?

Best Answer

In general, one can understand emergence of band structure starting from two extreme scenarios, both not contradicting formation of broadened levels/bands in amorphous solids:

  1. Start with empty space: electronic dispersion is a parabola due to the kinetic energy of a free electron (or really quasi-particle with effective mass). Introducing a perturbing potential, free electron states will start to hybridize which leads to level splittings. If the perturbation has a lattice periodicity, one can define Brillouin zones in (momentum) $k$-space and can see how hybridization at Brillouin zone boundaries leads to formation of bands (also see other answers about Bloch states). These band splittings also occur in an amorphous/aperiodic solid, but there are no Brillouin zones one could fold these bands back into (due to the aperiodicity of the system in real space, also momentum space lacks periodicity: there is no reciprocal lattice).
  2. Start with isolated atoms (tight-binding approach). As also stated in previous comments, bring two atoms together, and the first, still discrete level splittings appear; bring many atoms together, and these splittings will be broadened into bands. If these atoms are arranged periodically on a lattice, there will again be periodicity in $k$-space as well, and the band structure can be folded back into a Brillouin zone. Also here, lack of periodicity doesn't mean lack of broadening of states into bands, it only means lack of reciprocal lattice and Brillouin zones.

A nice real-world example of existence of electron bands in an aperiodic solid is amorphous SiO2, i.e. the major component of common glass. It is transparent to visible light, because corresponding photon energies do not suffice to create electron-hole pairs by overcoming the band gap energy of amorphous SiO2. Photons with energies from the ultraviolet spectrum, however, have enough energy to excite electrons from the valence band to the conduction band of glass (i.e. the photons are absorbed), explaining why glass is (mostly) opaque to ultraviolet light. (Here is an abstract of a medical paper, that summarizes how efficient different types of glass are at blocking UV light.)

Regarding a citation about band structure in amorphous solids: the following article discusses the optical band gap dependence of soda lime borosilicate glass (measured band gap $\Rightarrow$ experimental evidence for electronic energy bands) as a function of TiO2 dopant concentration: Ruengsri, Kaewkhao, Limsuwan, Procedia Engineering 32, 772 (2012) (open access).

Figures 3 and 4 of the following article: Roth, "Tight-Binding Models of Amorphous Systems: Liquid Metals", Phys. Rev. B 7, 4321 (1973) (behind pay wall) show density of states for a (tight-binding) model of an amorphous solid: the broad density of states reveal bands (i.e. there are no individual discrete "spikes" in the density of states indicative of isolated states).

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