[Physics] Can a thrown egg chip (or break) a car windshield

classical-mechanicsfluid dynamicsfrictionhome-experiment

Is it possible to throw an egg with such speed that a car windshield will chip (just like with stone chips?)

I have searched around for existing research in the area and have found that the impact resistance of an regular hen egg seem to be less than 50 N, which in comparison with all the other forces seem to be rather small and unimportant. Therefore I guess that the question is wether a body of liquid with the properties of raw egg can impact with such force that the window will chip.

I modeled an egg as a cylinder with the cross-area of the widest part of a normal egg (around 40-50 mm) but the problem is that during the impact the area of the egg will most likely increase, and smear out. I assume this has a big impact in wether a chip will occur or not.

My gut instinct is that it is rather unlikely that an egg can damage a windshield, but perhaps, given sufficient throwing speed and, or, car speed, perhaps it is possible.

Best Answer

but perhaps, given sufficient throwing speed

If you throw your egg too fast, the force due air resistance

$$F = \frac{cW\cdot A\cdot \rho\cdot v^2}{2}$$

will exceed the 50 Newton you mentioned before and the egg will break.

and, or, car speed, perhaps it is possible

If the car speed is fast enough the glass will of course break, since even single atoms can have a huge impact if only the kinetic energy is high enough (which it is even for a single particle if the relative speed approaches the speed of light).

So the windshield would even break due air resistance if the speed of the car was too high. Real cars of course do not go that fast, but in principle it just depends on the velocity. I also suspect that car manufacturers test their windshields to withstand hits by small birds and stones with twice the maximum velocity of the car, so in real life the glass won't break because of an egg.

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