Electromagnetic Radiation – Can a Photon Be Emitted Without a Receiver?


It is generally agreed upon that electromagnetic waves from an emitter do not have to connect to a receiver, but how can we be sure this is a fact? The problem is that we can never observe non-received EM-Waves, because if we observe them the instrument of observation becomes a receiver.

Electromagnetic waves have changing electric and magnetic fields and are both electric and magnetic. Electric current connects like from an anode to a cathode. Magnetic fields illustrated by flux lines connect from one magnetic pole to another, and no non-connecting flux lines are observed.

So electric currents connect and magnetic fields connect, so why doesn’t the electromagnetic wave also always connect to a receiver? A receiver which could be a plasma particle, a planet, a star and anything else which can absorb EM-radiation.

There is one big problem. If a photon has to be emitted in the direction of a future receiver, the photon must know where a future receiver will be. So this conflicts with our view on causality, or a cause creating an effect. And as the emitter doesn’t know where the receiver will be some time in the future, it can't emit an EM-wave against it.

But how can we know that the causality principle is always valid without exceptions? There seems to be reasons for questioning the universal validity of the causality principle:

  • Information does not have a mass and may then not be restricted by the speed of light, so the causality principle may not always hold for massless particles/waves.

  • When something travels with the speed of light, it will experience that distance become zero. If there is no distance, there is a full connection and a continuous electromagnetic wave between the emitter and receiver. Again, using the photon as a reference frame is not something relativistic physicists seem to like.

  • Maxwell's electromagnetic wave equation has a simple and an advanced solution. The advanced solution is usually discarded because the effect happens before the cause. But in Wheeler–Feynman absorber theory the advanced solution is used because it works. See this link for more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheeler%E2%80%93Feynman_absorber_theory

  • The field of quantum mechanics is discussing many different causality problems. Like the observation of a particle might decide where the particle will be in time and space. Relevant to this discussion is the question of what triggers the atom to emit light:

Over the last hundred years, physicists have discovered systems that
change from one state to another without any apparent physical
“trigger.” These systems are described by quantum mechanics.

The simplest such system is the hydrogen atom. It’s just an electron
bound to a proton. Two particles – that’s about as simple as you can
get. According to QM, the electron can occupy one of a discrete set of
energy levels. The electron can be excited to a higher energy level by
absorbing a photon…

When the electron drops from a higher energy level to a lower level,
it emits a photon: a quantum of light…

Quantum mechanics describes this process beautifully, but it only
predicts the average time the electron will stay in the higher energy
level. It doesn’t give any clue as to the specific time the electron
will drop to the lower level. More precisely, the transition rate (the
probability of a transition per unit time) is constant: it doesn’t
matter how long it has been since the atom was excited, the transition
rate stays the same…

When you first encounter this, you can’t quite wrap your brain around
it. Surely there must be some internal mechanism, some kind of clock,
that ticks along and finally “goes off,” causing the transition!

But no such mechanism has ever been found. QM has had an unexcelled
record of accurate predictions, without any need for such a
-George Mason University physicist, Robert Oerter

So is the excited atom a random generator or is it something external that triggers the release of a photon? It seems like it’s something external, and this external trigger might be the unphysical connection to a future receiver described by the advanced solution to Maxwell’s equation of electromagnetic radiation.

So it seems to me like we currently can’t be sure if a photon is always emitted against a receiver, or it is emitted randomly in any direction into space. But this question might be one of the most important questions ever asked, because if an electromagnetic wave is always connected to a receiver the implications are vast. It could shed light on the discussion of many topics. It might change our view on time and space. It might not only be the past pushing the present forward, but the future pulling on the present, making a syntropy which will create order out of chaos, and describe the marvelous universe we live in. Even the view of the present itself as a sharp line between the past and the future could be questioned. Time itself might not be totally linear, and the future may change the past. To avoid paradoxes with time travel we have to allow a number of parallel universes, as suggested by American physicist Hugh Everett who formulated the idea of their existence to explain the theory that every possible outcome of every choice we have actually does happen.

But before we can fully dive into all these fascinating questions, we have to solve this question:

Does an electromagnetic wave always have to connect to a receiver?

This hypothetical question might seem purely philosophical, but it is not. And it might even be confirmed by observations. We can’t directly observe non-received photons, but we might indirectly observe the existence or nonexistence of these photons. Any answer or suggestions are most welcome.

Best Answer

Richard Feynman's PhD thesis was about just this topic, if I am understanding your question rightly. Here is an earlier question about Feynman's thesis that addresses some of the fascinating issues involved with this.

At the suggestion of his thesis adviser John Wheeler, Feynman explained photon emission as a two-way interaction in which the regular photon is emitted and follows the "retarded" solutions to Maxwell's equations. "Meanwhile" (in some rather abstract sense of the word indeed) a target atom or particle in the distant future emits its own photon, but a very special one that travels backwards in time -- a type of solution to Maxwell's equations that had been recognized since Maxwell's time but had been ignored. These solutions were called the "advanced" solutions. This advanced photon travels back in time and "just happens" to arrive at the source at the exact instant when the regular photon is emitted, causing the emitting atom to be kicked backwards a tiny bit.

Amazingly, Wheeler and Feynman were able to write a series of papers showing that despite how mind-boggling this scenario sounded, it did not result in violations of causality, and it did provide a highly effective model of electron-photon interactions. From this start, and with some important changes, Feynman eventually produced his Feynman-diagram explanation of quantum electrodynamics, or QED. The curious time relationship continue in Feynman's QED, where for example a positron or anti-electron simply become an ordinary electron traveling backwards in time.

Staying fully consistent with his own ideas, Feynman himself described photon interactions as always having an emission and a reception event, no matter how far apart those events occur in ordinary time. In his view, if you shone a flashlight into deep space, the photons could not even be emitted until they found their "partner" advanced photon emission events somewhere in the distant future. The proof of it is in the very slight push back on your hand that happens when you shine the light, that kick coming from the advanced photons arriving from that distant point in the future and nudging the electrons in your flashlight filament.

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