[Physics] Calculating the the kernel using path integrals for quadratic lagrangians

path-integralquantum mechanicsquantum-field-theory

I am reading Feynman and Hibbs on Path Integrals. In section 3.5, they show that the kernel for a lagrangian of the form $L=a(t)\dot{x}^2+b(t)\dot{x}x+c(t)x^2+d(t)\dot{x}+e(t)x+f(t)$ is $K(b,a)=e^{\frac{i}{\hbar}S_{cl}[b,a]}F(t_a,t_b)$. In general, how do I calculate the factor $F(t_a,t_b)$. In the problems after the section, I have calculated the classical action, for the particle in a magnetic field, and the forced harmonic oscillator. But I don't know how to calculate the prefactors. For e.g. this is the problem 3-11 from Feynman and Hibbs asks you to calculate the kernel of the harmonic oscillator driven bby an external force $f(t)$. The Lagrangian is $L=\frac{m}{2}\dot{x}^2-\frac{m\omega^2}{2}x^2+f(t)x$. The answer is $$K=\sqrt{\frac{m \omega}{2 \pi i \hbar \sin{\omega T}}}e^{\frac{i}{\hbar}S_{cl}}$$

where $T=t_f-t_i$ and $S_{cl}$ is the classical action. How can I see that the above is the factor multiplying the exponent directly or via a calculation.

Best Answer

The prefactor $F(t_f,t_i)$ is given in eq.(3-50) of Ref. 1 as

$$ F(t_f,t_i)~=~\qquad $$ $$\tag{3-50'} \int_{y(t_i)=0}^{{y(t_f)=0}}\!\!\! {\cal D}y~\exp\left\{\frac{i}{\hbar} \int_{t_i}^{t_f} \!\! dt[a(t) \dot{y}(t)^2+ b(t) y(t)\dot{y}(t)+c(t) y(t)^2 ] \right\}. $$

I doubt that there exists a closed formula for the path integral (3-50') for arbitrary coefficients $a(t)$, $b(t)$, and $c(t)$ with explicit time dependence.

For time-independent coefficients $a$, $b$, and $c$, the evaluation of the Gaussian path integral (3-50') is shown in many textbooks, e.g. in Section 3-11 of Ref. 1 or Appendix A of Ref. 2.


  1. R.P. Feynman & A.R. Hibbs, Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals, 1965.

  2. J. Polchinski, String Theory Vol. 1, 1998.

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