[Physics] Calculating the Riemann tensor for a 3-Sphere


I have worked out all the connection symbols for the 3-sphere using calculus of variations, cf. this Phys.SE post. So to find the Riemann tensor I am trying to find all the nonzero components of:
R^\rho_{\sigma \mu \nu} = \partial_\mu\Gamma^\rho_{\nu\sigma}-\partial_\nu\Gamma^\rho_{\mu\sigma}+\Gamma^e_{\mu\lambda}\Gamma^\lambda_{\nu\sigma}-\Gamma^\rho_{\nu\lambda}\Gamma^\lambda_{\mu\sigma}

The only strategy I can see is trying every possible combination of Christoffel symbols that produces a nonzero component (Which is of course possible). Surely there must be a better approach than this? What is the general strategy for finding the Riemann tensor?

Best Answer

Here's a way to find the Riemann tensor of the 3-sphere with a lot of intelligence but no calculations.

At any point $p$ on a sphere, all directions look the same. Therefore there can be no privileged vector at a point $p$. Now consider the eigenvalue problem for the Ricci tensor, $$R^\alpha{}_\beta x^\beta = \lambda x^\alpha.$$ Since no vector is better than any other vector, either no vector is an eigenvector, or every vector is. Since the Ricci tensor is symmetric, it must be the latter. But the only way for every vector to be an eigenvector is if the tensor is proportional to the identity tensor. Hence, $$R^\alpha{}_\beta = \lambda \delta^\alpha{}_\beta \Rightarrow R_{\alpha\beta} = \lambda g_{\alpha\beta}.$$ Now take the trace of both sides to conclude that $\lambda = R/3$ where $R$ is the curvature scalar.

Now we need to be even more clever. A diagonal element $R_{\alpha\beta}x^\alpha x^\beta$ of the Ricci tensor in $n$ dimensions is $(n-1)$ times the average of the sectional curvature over planes containing $x^\alpha$, for $x_\alpha x^\alpha = 1$. The important thing is that the sectional curvature is the Gaussian curvature of the 2-surface generated by geodesics starting at $p$. What can this 2-surface be? It's a 2-surface characterized by constant curvature (because of all the symmetry we have) -- that's (some part of) a 2-sphere! The Gaussian curvature of a 2-sphere is $1/r^2$. Thus $2/r^2 = \lambda g_{\alpha\beta}x^\alpha x^\beta = \lambda$ and we can conclude $$R_{\alpha\beta} = \frac{2}{r^2} g_{\alpha\beta}.$$