[Physics] Calculating the mass of a wormhole


What would for an observer be the mass of an isolated wormhole (meaning that there is no gas and no mass of stars around it) if the wormhole mouth opposite to the observer reflects the light of a region from the galaxy it opens into.

Wormholes per definition require negative energy in the form of exotic matter so as to have their mouths open. Would this negative mass be the only mass of the wormhole object or for an observer in the isolated wormhole also include the light reflected of stars and gases visible through the wormhole of another galaxy.

Wormholes connect two systems for only a short time, and collapse when too much time has passed, or too much mass has passed through them. My question would be for wormholes that can have their mouths connected either naturally or artificially for a reasonable length of time.

Best Answer

I found a post here on physicsforums.com which has some useful links in the post by "pervect". One is to this article by physicist John Cramer, saying that each time a mass M passes through a wormhole mouth, "the entrance mouth has its mass increased by M, and the exit mouth has its mass reduced by an amount -M", and that this can eventually cause one of the mouths to have a net negative mass. Presumably light passing through a wormhole could have the same effect, based on mass-energy equivalence in general relativity. Pervect notes that in this context the "mass" being discussed is the ADM mass, and links to this post discussing the technical details of calculating the ADM mass of wormhole mouths, as well as some issues relating to quantum uncertainty in mass--I don't know enough general relativity to follow the technical details here, but the author seems to say that the mass of a mouth cannot actually become negative, perhaps for reasons relating to the "quantum inequalities" postulated to restrict negative energy that are discussed in this article. (maybe when John Cramer talked about the mass becoming negative he was giving the answer in "pure" general relativity without considering quantum physics?) Hopefully someone else who understands these topics better will weigh in, but I thought these links would be useful as pointers to research that would likely be relevant to answering your question.

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