[Physics] Calculating the coherence length from a spectrum


I have measured the spectrum of the LED in my interferometry set-up, and now I want to calculate the coherence length from it. A commonly found formula is $l_{coh} = \frac{c}{\Delta f}$, sometimes with an additional factor for the shape of the spectrum. However, I have only ever found factors for Gaussian and Lorentzian lineshapes, and mine is neither.

I am looking for either a way to determine this factor, or derive the coherence length from the spectrum in a different way.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Presumably you have measured your spectrum as a function of wavelength, so you have $\mathscr{F}(\lambda)$, which is an power per unit wavelength. You must now convert this power per unit frequency spectrum.

So we seek $\mathscr{G}(f)$ where $\mathscr{G}(f)\,|df| = \mathscr{F}(\lambda)\,|d\lambda|$; given $c = f\,\lambda$ we have:

$$d\lambda = -\frac{df}{f}\,\lambda = - \frac{c}{f^2} df$$

so that

$$\mathscr{G}(f) = \frac{c}{f^2} \mathscr{F}\left(\frac{c}{f}\right)$$

So now we have derived our power spectral density $\mathscr{G}(f)$ from your experimental $\mathscr{F}$ spectrum as a function of wavelength. This is then converted to an autocorrelation function of time by the Wiener-Khinchin theorem:

$$\tilde{\Gamma}(t) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{2\pi\,i\,f\,t} \mathscr{G}(f) \,df=2\,\mathrm{Re}\left(\int_{f_{min}}^{f_{max}} e^{2\pi\,i\,f\,t} \frac{c}{f^2} \mathscr{F}\left(\frac{c}{f}\right) \,df\right)$$

where $[f_{min},\,f_{max}]$ is your experimental measurement interval.

So now you convert your autocorrelation as a function of time to autocorrelation as a function of shift displacement $x = c\,t$, so your final autocorrelation function will be:

$$\Gamma(x) = \tilde{\Gamma}\left(\frac{x}{c}\right) = 2\,\mathrm{Re}\left(\int_{f_{min}}^{f_{max}} \exp\left(2\pi\,i\,f\,\frac{x}{c}\right) \frac{c}{f^2} \mathscr{F}\left(\frac{c}{f}\right) \,df\right)$$

So now you have to decide how you will define your coherence length: common definitions include (1) the shift displacement $x$ at which $\Gamma(x)$ is $1/e$ times $\Gamma(0)$ and (2) the rms spread:

$$\sqrt{\frac{\int_0^\infty x^2\,\Gamma(x)^2\,dx}{\int_0^\infty \Gamma(x)^2\,dx}}$$