[Physics] Calculating magnetic field strength for a very small electromagnet

electromagnetisminductancemagnetic fields

I am trying to calculate the magnetic field (in tesla/gauss) of an electromagnet that is very small and has very few windings. For example 12 windings over 0.003 meters. I know this is not going to produce a very strong field, but I would like to pulse a strong current through the coil very briefly to make it stronger. I have found a number of sources listing the formula for the calculation of magnetic field strength –

$$B = \mu \rho I= μ μ_0\frac{N}{L}I$$
where $N$ is the number of turns and $L$ the length of the core, e.g. as listed here.

My question is

  • can this formula be applied to my electromagnet design?

  • Does the size and low number of windings on my electromagnet mean this formula is not valid?

  • Is there any other way I can calculate/estimate the magnetic field?

Best Answer

To find the strength in gauss you must multiply the number of turns of wire in the electromagnet by the amperage.So for a example if you have a electromagnet with 20 turns of wire with 10 amps going through the wire then you multiply 20 by 10 and that will equals 200 so the magnetic feild it's producing is 200 gauss.Hopes this helps:)

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