[Physics] Calculate fluid pressure loss due to hole leakage

fluid dynamics

I have a cylindrical pipe of internal diameter of around 5mm, with pressurised fluid flowing though it. If I have holes at the wall of the pipe, how do I calculate the pressure loss due to water leaking out through those holes?

Best Answer

A given section of pipe will have a flow equation like: $\Delta P = \gamma w^2$ where $\Delta P$ is the loss of head pressure over the length of pipe, $\gamma$ is a coefficient related to length, diameter, Reynold's number etc., and $w$ is the flow rate. You can find expressions for these in engineering books for example.

Now imagine we have a pipe and we want to put one small hole in it. We can analyze it by analogy with an electric circuit, where the hole is represented by a large shunt resistance added at that point going to ground. Let $P_0$ represent the fixed pressure driving the flow (analogous to a voltage source), $P_1$ be the pressure at the point of interest near the hole, and let $\gamma_{1,2,3}$ be the flow coefficients for the section of pipe upstream of the hole, downstream of the hole, and the hole itself. Let $w$ be the flow rate upstream of the hole, $w_2$ downstream, and $w_3$ be the flow through the hole itself. Then you have a system of equations you can solve for $P_1$:

$P_0 - P_1 = \gamma_1 w^2$

$P_1 - 0 = \gamma_2 w_2^2$

$P_1 - 0 = \gamma_3 w_3^2$

$w_2+w_3 = w$ (Assuming incompressible flow)

The case of no hole is given by $\gamma_3 = \infty$. Since the hole is small, you can assume $\gamma_3 >> \gamma_2, \gamma_1$ and derive a perturbative expression for $\Delta P_1$ in terms of $\gamma_3^{-1}$. I will leave this as an exercise for the reader. Anyhow, this will tell you the incremental pressure loss for a single hole.

Of course, I have assumed the flow is driven by a fixed idealized source pressure. In reality the source pressure may be a function of flow rate (analogous to the impedance of a voltage source) which would also effect the result, but which could be added into the above equations in a straightforward manner.