[Physics] Bragg diffraction and lattice planes


Crystalline substances show, for certain sharply defined wavelength and incident directions, very sharp peaks of scattered X-ray radiation.

From the illustration below we see that we get constructive interference when the path-length difference is a multiple of the wavelength $\lambda$.

Bragg diffraction

In real crystalline materials we have a large amount of closely packed lattice planes. This large amount accounts for the sharp peaks for certain $\theta$. I do not understand how this follows from the Bragg reflection formula $$ n\lambda = 2d \sin \theta , $$ since $d$ is not constant anymore. I understand the model for two lattice planes as in the illustration.

Is it true that $d$ can only take on values of the seperation of lattice planes, so $d$ is defined to be the seperation of points in the reciprocal lattice, or in others words, is $d$ constrained to be the absolute values of some reciprocal lattice vector?

How does the Bragg condition account for very sharp peaks when we let $d$ run through all such absolute values?

Best Answer

The d is not separation between points in reciprocal lattice. Actually, they do not even have the same units. d is the separation between lattice planes, as you said. What is related to reciprocal lattice vectors is the change (before and after scattering) in the wave vector of light: change in k = reciprocal lattice vector, which is the Laue condition that is equivalent to Bragg condition. See e.g. the book by Ashcroft and Mermin.

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