Quantum Mechanics – Understanding the Born Interpretation of Wave Function

born-rulecomplex numbersquantum mechanicsschroedinger equationwavefunction

I have just started Griffiths Intro to QM. I was studying Born's interpretation of Wave function and it says that the square of the modulus of the wave function is a measure of the probability of finding the particle at that position. I didn't read further, so my doubt might be stupid. But if wave function is complex then surely its modulus would be real and non negative.

  1. If so then why should we square the modulus when in reality modulus itself should give real and non negative values which are equivalent for probability?

  2. Does this squaring have anything to do with the fact that the Schrodinger equation is of second order?

Kindly pardon me if the question is stupid, I am just a beginner!

Best Answer

Well there are multiple reasons, but a very important one is that it can be proven (from the Schrödinger equation) that

$$\frac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm dt}\int \mathrm d\boldsymbol x\ |\psi(\boldsymbol x,t)|^2=0$$

so that, if at any moment in time we have $\int \mathrm d\boldsymbol x\ |\psi(\boldsymbol x,t)|^2=1$, this will remain true at any other time.

On the other hand, the derivative of the integral of $|\psi|$ is not time independent, so a consistent normalization is not possible

We need that the integral to be time independent, because otherwise a probabilistic interpretation wouldn't be possible. We need that the probability of finding the particle somewhere has to be $1$. If we used $|\psi|$ as a probability distribution, and at any point in time had we that the integral equals $1$, this will change over time, what wouldn't make any sense. On the other hand, as I already stated, we can think of $|\psi|^2$ as a probability just because its integral is time-independent. So if at any point in time we have that the integral of $|\psi|^2$ equals $1$, this will remain true at any other point in time.

Also, this has nothing to do with the Schrödinger equation being of 2nd order: Dirac equation is a 1st order equation and (in some sense), the probability distribution is still $\psi^\dagger\psi$.

Edit: there is another explanation that might be more "physical", closer to our intuition. You probably know about the double slit-experiment, a standard way of introducing QM. When learning about such experiment, we are given two scenarios: first, think of the double slit being hit by light. We know from optics about the phenomenon of interference: the electromagnetic field is radiated from each slit, thus interfering when reaching the screen. The interference pattern is easily understood, mathematically, when we think of the electric field as a wave propagating through space. We know that the intensity observed at the screen is the modulus squared of $\boldsymbol E$, where $\boldsymbol E=\boldsymbol E_1+\boldsymbol E_2$. When calculating the modulus squared, we get the expected interference (crossed) term. The observed intensity is just $I(x)=|\boldsymbol E(x)|^2$.

On the other hand, if we think of the experiment when using electrons, we know that the interference pattern is still produced, so by being inspired from classical electrodynamics, we think of another wave propagating through space, such that its modulus squared gives the intensity on the screen, i.e., the modulus squared of the wave function is like the intensity of the light: where it is high, there is a high chance of finding an electron. In this way, we can think of $|\psi|^2$ as a probability distribution, in the same way we can think of $|\boldsymbol E|^2$ as a probability distribution of the photon. There is actually a lot from QM taken from classical electromagnetism.

For the record, I must say that this analogy between the electric field and the wave-function is rather limited, and should not be pushed too far: it will lead to incorrect conclusions. The electric field is not the wave function of the photon.