[Physics] Book recommendations for fluid dynamics self-study

aerodynamicseducationfluid dynamicsresource-recommendations

I have my bachelors degree in engineering science: computer science, option electrotechnic. I have a good understanding of basic mechanics and dynamics, calculus (differential equations).

The books I'm now having a look at are:

What book do you recommend for studying fluid dynamics on my own and why?

Best Answer

The books you have mentioned, are written from an engineering point of view rather than physicist's. The following books are recommended:

  • Fluid dynamics For Physicists by T. E. Faber (Introductory. Doesn't need more backgrounds than you mentioned)
  • An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics by G. K. Batchelor (Introductory. Doesn't need more backgrounds than you mentioned)
  • Fluid Mechanics, Volume 6 of Course of Theoretical Physics by Landau and Lifshitz (Advanced)

and also you may find the following book, with a more mathematical flavor, interesting: (I haven't seen this one myself)

  • A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by Chorin and Marsden